Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Happy Birthday, Elizabeth!

Dear Hearts,

November 10th is the birthday of Elizabeth Monti Sullivan: wife of John Paul; mother of Charlie and Mickey; daughter-in-law of Joan and Mike; niece, cousin and in-law to many more of us.

Elizabeth is a gifted young woman in both the professional realm and personal. She works in healthcare management as a Senior Scientist at Merck, conducting and supporting clinical research programs. Interestingly, she works at the clinical trial level for developing therapies for infectious diseases and vaccines, while her cousin-in-law (?) Andrew works with doctors in clinics who are using those therapies with patients.

At home Elizabeth is a loving and supportive wife and mother who speaks Spanish and has a beautiful singing voice. She and John have created a comfy, creative and lovely home together.

So, happy birthday dear Elizabeth, and may you have 90 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.


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