Thursday, January 18, 2024

Happy Birthday, Brian!

Dear Hearts,

January 17th is the birthday of Brian Eugene Glick: son of Jack and Dawn; brother of Brenda and Betsy; husband of Margaret; father of Lizzy and Daniel; grandfather of Levi, Amos, Maggie and Holden; in-law, uncle, cousin and friend to scores of others. Today, he is best known as Yaya, his grandpa name.

Brian continues to steer the ship of his business--Personalized Business Service--with wisdom and intelligence. He's been employee and/or owner of the company for several decades and has shown incredible flexibility and talent updating practices through the years. The industry has gone from pencils and ledger books to e-files and cyber security practices! He still meets challenges with a cool head and wise thinking, while providing an incredibly comfortable and rewarding workplace for his employees.

In his personal life, Brian remains a true renaissance man. We all know how dependable and masterful he is at solving problems and repairing almost anything. In recent years, we've also watched him become a grandpa (Yaya, more specifically) and how he's enjoying the magical nature of that role.

So, happy birthday, Brian, and may you have 60 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Longevity Aspiration Protocol of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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