Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Happy Birthday, Ewan!

Dear Hearts,

February 5th is the birthday of Ewan Paul Sullivan: son of Stephanie and Paul; brother of Hannah, Jack, Emma, Liam and Callum; nephew, cousin and friend to scores of others. He shares the day with his cousin Rose!

Ewan is one of the happiest children I've met--smiley, curious and easy going. Although I'm not so sure I can call him a child much longer as he's hit a growth spurt and is stretching tall and growing up.
He continues playing piano and has become very good. And with his brother doing much in his power to distract him from practicing for his recital, Ewan shows terrific discipline and poise at the keyboard.

Happy Birthday, Ewan. and may you have 113 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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