Sunday, February 25, 2024

Happy Birthday, Nancy!

Dear Hearts,

February 26th is the birthday of Nancy Nau Sullivan: daughter of Pat and Mike; mother of Jim, Mick, Miles, Amos and Franny; sister to Patsy, Janet, Liz, Nick, Felix and Peter; grandma, aunt, cousin and friend to dozens more.

Nancy continues her work as an author, travelling to book signings and literary events frequently. Her Blanch Murninghan Mystery Series with the recent publishing of "Mission Improbable: Vietnam," is her latest work that follows Saving Tuna Street and Trouble Down Mexico Way, as well The Boys of Alpha Block and a memoir called The Last Cadillac. Additionally, her short stories have been published in several literary magazines.

Outside Northwest Indiana, Nancy has called a few other places home, including Anna Maria Island, FL, and Mexico--locations that seem to have offered lots of inspiration for her writing. She loves spending time with her family far and near and nurture relationships in the literary community.

Happy Birthday, Nancy. May you have 46 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

Love, Patty

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