Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Happy Birthday, Tim!

Dear Hearts,
Once again, Tim shows up for family!
 Mr. Worldwide, however, did not
make an appearance.

February 28th is the birthday of Timothy Aristotle Sullivan: son of Bob and Darlene: brother of John, Jim, Bobby, Paul, Mike, Pete, and Sister John Mary, Margaret and Ella; husband of Maureen; father of Gabriella, Brynn and Andrew; uncle, cousin and friend of scores more.

Tim continues his career with Merck working in the marketing aspect of the company. This has mellowed his business travel quite a bit and allows Tim to work from home. Living a short walk to the beach in Huntington makes this part of the arrangement particularly nice!

Family is and always has been near the top focus in Tim's life and he will move mountains and swim seas for those closest to him. And he will do so with amazing energy, a smile on his face and pure love in his heart. His faith--which is his top priority--is beautiful and inspirational.

Tim's actions show who he is--kind, compassionate, hard working, adventurous and hilarious.  He went from taking out his elderly neighbor's trash cans to bringing him into their home and overseeing his care. And, like his dad, he's a creative force in the kitchen!

Happy birthday, Tim, and may you have 75 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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