Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Happy Birthday, Steven!

Dear Hearts,

April 1 is the birthday of Steven Wolfgram, an Army mate of Jim's.

From Jim:

"Steven is a real American hero, an infantry lieutenant colonel who, when he was a captain and I was a lieutenant, taught me more about courage and duty, than anyone I encountered in the Army except Whitey, more than I learned at West Point, more than I learned in Ranger School, because of his example. He is Steven Wolfgram of Washington State by way of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.

"He never understood the impact he had on me. I gave him a hard time and I didn't ever tell him how I felt about him. He was very hard-nosed and very fair, and very human. And if you leveled with him, he kept the brass off of you. He was also--still is--very funny.

"Steven wore the Silver Star on his chest--the Silver Star is right under the Medal of Honor and Distinguished Service Cross--but he swept any reference to that away, saying, in the manner of every true infantry combat veteran I ever knew, that he was no hero, because he was alive. It's the ones who fell on beaches, rice paddies, deserts and hilltops who were his heroes.

"Well, he is a true hero even if he denies it, and he is truly one of mine. Thank you, Boss."

And Happy Birthday. May you have 47 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Seamus the Older & Patty

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