Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Happy Birthday, John!

Dear Hearts,

June 24th is the birthday of Dr. John Ullmen. John was a fellow mentor with Seamus the Older and Gus Lee at West Point for the National Conference on Ethics in America. Jim says they became friends because of John's openness, generosity and love of country, and willingness to mentor and teach our young officers and college students. Plus he's just a real good guy and smart as a whip.

John graduated from the Air Force Academy, in 1988. He served his active duty in the Air Force, taught at the Academy, then became a UCLA professor and PhD. He is also a well-known teacher and consultant, and has written several books, (Real Influence: Persuade Without Pushing and Gain without Giving, Who Wins Conflict?, Which Bird Gets Heard?, Invisible Bridges, and Don’t Kill the Bosses.) If you'd like to see something cool, check out his website at

Happy Birthday, John, and may you have 71 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty & Seamus the Older

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