Tuesday, June 9, 2020

God Bless Lawrence

Dear Hearts,

June 10th is the anniversary of the birth of Lawrence Kermit White, Sr.--Larry/Whitey's father. His nickname was Red. Jim offers this:

He was born in 1912 in Tennessee on a farm. His father was a minister. He graduated from West Point in 1933, married his lifelong spouse, "Sweetie" Flint. They had three children, and the one we know is Whitey. Whitey is prouder of nothing more in this world, except his family, than of the fact that he carries the name Lawrence Kermit White, Jr., after one of the acknowledged greatest infantry colonels we have ever had in our Army. 

These Whites are decorated officers: Red holds the Distinguished Service Cross and Silver Star, Whitey holds 3 Legions of Merit and the Bronze Star.

When Red was about 32, he was a full colonel and the youngest regimental commander in the US Army. His regiment was held up by Japanese tanks, and Red went up front and right into the teeth of the Japanese tank battalion. He got his unit moving- he led from the very front- he went first-"Follow Me!" He got hit, almost mortally, and never had full use of his leg again, and never spent a pain-free day again, and he lived until 5 April, 2006.

Father Elmer Heindl, (not sure of the spelling) a Catholic chaplain, crawled up and put a tourniquet on Red, under fire. The unit accomplished the mission, won the battle, and that was Red's last day in his beloved Army. He and Father Heindel were both put in for the Medal of honor, but awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, for extraordinary and intrepid gallantry.

Then, the US wouldn't let Red go, and he spent the next 25 years as #2 man (the one who stayed put when the politically appointed #1 was switched) at the CIA. He transitioned the old OSS under Donovan into the modern day CIA- and he is in that organization's Hall of Fame.

He was beloved by every single person who ever served under him, and revered by his peers, and respected at the very least by his few seniors.

He was very good to me, the few times I was privileged to meet him. I know this- Whitey is what and who he is, because of many things, but one of the strongest is his fierce love and loyalty for his father, and his determination to emulate "The Old Man."

And I'm proud to report that Whitey is just like his Dad- even looks exactly like him. Red is gone now, and is never to be forgotten. Thank you for everything, Col. White.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Jim & Patty

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