Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Happy Birthday, Signe!

Dear Hearts,

June 25th is the birthday of Signe Astrid Pabst White: Whitey's beloved bride; mother of Abigail, Kermit, Mike and Dagne; grandmother of Little Kermit and Nathaniel Brogdon. She is daughter, daughter-in-law twice, and wife of US Army Full Colonels, all decorated and distinguished soldiers.

Signe is the model and archetype for the valiant Army wife, the Lady of the Regiment, the Keeper of the Home Flame, without which the U.S. Army would crumble into an ashen heap of confused families.

She has given much to her Country, having lost her first husband, killed in action, in Vietnam. He was Air Force pilot 1LT Mike Minor, Jim and Whitey's classmate and friend, Whitey's soccer teammate and childhood Army Buddy. She stood sentinel until Whitey's return home from the war zone, once again, or wherever he has to go, and supervised the building of their new house down near the Mountain Ranger Camp, near Toccoa in North Georgia.

She has stood with Whitey during 28 years of arduous military service, a lot of it in hazardous duty, not only for Whitey, but from time to time hazardous for Signe. She lived behind the Iron Curtain, deep in Indian Country, surrounded by the enemy, behind fortified walls, for three years. She has moved literally everything the family owned, every feather and pickle barrel, two dozen times.

During all this, she looks like an A-List celebrity. She is one in a million, without peer as an Army wife, as a mother, as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend, as a woman.

Happy Birthday, Signe, and may you have 55 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty & Seamus the Older

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