Thursday, April 15, 2021

God Bless John Sheehan

Dear Hearts,

April 16th is the 151st anniversary of the birth of John William Sheehan: husband of Kate Maloney; father of Boom Boom and her two brothers. He was quiet but fierce, gentle and good. He died an American, and brought one of our ancestral lines here. Today we have a dozen men carrying the same name.

John William Sheehan was born in 1870, in Carrigaholt, in County Clare, on the western edge of Ireland, right where the Shannon enters the sea. He was very tall for the time at 6 feet 2 inches, with hands large as shovels. He was very quiet, and so shy that he could not speak to girls.

He died at Boom Boom's house on December 23, 1947, and Kate followed him in 9 weeks, on February 24, 1948.

Happy Birthday, Grandpa Sheehan. Please watch over us.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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