Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Happy Birthday, Maggie!

Dear Hearts,

Maggie, right, with her
sisters Kathleen and Annie.

April 28th is the birthday of Margaret Elizabeth Sullivan: daughter of Jim and Erin; sister of John, Annie, Kathleen, Thomas, Peter, Joseph, Brigid, Seamus and Patrick; auntie, niece, cousin and friend to many, many more.

Maggie is one of the four girls in her family, with six brothers as well. She has a beautifully bright smile that is surely backed up with strength, intelligence and a terrific work ethic. Indeed, Maggie has performed annually in a beautiful ballet production of the Nutcracker, dedicating many hours of training and study to her craft.

Hers is one of the more abundant names in our extended family with eight Margarets altogether: Aunt Margaret, Margaret Sullivan Glick, Margaret Sullivan Lewis, Margaret Merwin Hanjani, Margaret Frances Sullivan, Margaret Elizabeth Sullivan, Margaret Poppy Flores and Bitsy's daughter, Maggie!

Happy Birthday, Maggie, and may you have 109 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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