Saturday, April 3, 2021

Happy Easter!

Dear Hearts,

An Easter prayer from Seamus the Older:

Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Thank you for coming back to life, bringing us victory. Please grant us Peace.

Thank you for the return of the warmth and the sun and new life. Please grant mercy to us.

Thank you for our new babies and the ones on the way. Please hold all the babies of the world in Your Big Hand.

Thank you for our freedom. Please grant us freedom from pain and let our bodies heal. Please protect us, and our loved ones, and all the medics and responders of the world, from this virus, especially Drs. Joe and Gwyn Patterson, Dr. James Naime Sullivan, Dr. Mickey and Nurse Francie Sullivan, Nurse Practitioner Cousin Teresa Whalen and Firefighter/Paramedic Daniel Glick.

Thank you for our peace and comfort. Please let us remember and help the poor and the sick, the hungry and the needy, and let there be peace among all the people of the earth.

Please heal our wounded hearts, especially Fred and Geri and their family, and any other sorrows kept in the silence of our hearts, and let our grief be washed away in the flood of Your Love and Mercy.

Please heal our afflicted loved ones, those sick and in pain. Our brothers and sisters, Gummy and Big Ed, and Judi Wennerberg, Gary Wimberly and any of the others unknown at this moment.

Please bring all the soldiers, of the entire world, back from war to their families, even the enemy.

And during this epidemic, please grant us the fortitude of Your Sacred Heart. Help us protect our countrymen, and the world.

We ask this with prayer and supplication, and thanksgiving, making our requests known to God.

We ask for the peace of God that passes all understanding.

God bless us and keep us and save us from harm.


Christ is Risen!


Happy Easter.


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