Friday, April 2, 2021

Happy Birthday, Nancy!

Dear Hearts,

Nancy with John, Evangeline,
Violet and Brandon.
April 3rd is the birthday of Nancy Carol Sands Sullivan: wife of John; mother of Mike, Maggie and Matt; grandmother of Evangeline, Violet and Brandon; daughter of Donald and Florence; sister to Sandy; in-law, cousin, aunt and friend to many more.

Nancy has always been a kind and gentle person, as well as a gifted artist--with a camera, creating a garden, cooking delicious dishes. Through her photography, you can see her appreciation of the natural beauty around her. She can also play several instruments and has a master's degree in music. Her family is her world and those lucky grand babies are now surrounded by Nancy's loving nature and creative talent!

For years now, Nancy has been my go-to comrade in all things chocolate. Fair warning: Her Nutella cookies/balls are as addictive as crack! And her sense of humor is hilariously perfect.

Happy Birthday, Nancy, and may you have 56 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

Nancy with her happy new
grand baby, Brandon.

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