Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Happy Birthday, Levi!

Dear Hearts,

March 24th is the birthday of Levi Sullivan Flores: son of Lizzy and Randy; brother of Amos and Maggie; grandson of Margaret and Brian and Kim and Randy; nephew, cousin and friend of many more.

Levi is in second grade now and loving school. He particularly enjoys being an employee of the water factory at school (the students' recess engineering group project). He is a conscientious student and smart as a whip.

At home, Levi is a doting brother to little Maggie, and energetic adversary to Amos. His interests these days include reading (and pretending to be) Harry Potter; building all things Lego, and trying to catch birds in his yard. Soccer season has just begun and Levi is demonstrating his speed and agility with great pride.

He is a wonderful mix of his mom and dad, physically and personality wise--he naturally wakes up early, can balance perfectly on any rolling or moving object, eats a large amount of healthy fruits and veggies, has a very strong sense of justice, and will defend and care for his siblings at all costs.

So, happy birthday, Levi, and may you have 117 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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