Friday, March 18, 2022

Prayer Request

Dear Hearts,

We have received a strong, faithful and very sad request from our Dear Heart Gus. He asks us to pray for Pierce County WA Deputy/SWAT Dom Calata, 35, and his wife, and child.

From Gus:

Dom tragically died of wounds earlier this week after being shot by a violent 3-strikes felon while serving a warrant. Sgt. Rich Scaniffe was also wounded in the leg and is recovering. The felon was killed by their return fire.

Dom was a bright, loving and thoroughly committed husband, father and officer. He, Brian Bradshaw and our son Eric composed a close-knit ROTC cohort at Pacific Lutheran U. They were friends of our family. We shared meals, stories and lessons; they were outstanding Cadets, brothers, and professional officers. Each deployed to Afghanistan as 2LTs. After active duty, Dom and Eric's young families hung out together.

Dom Is survived by his beautiful wife Erin and their wonderful 4-year old son. A small family memorial service will be at 1000 hrs 19 March in WA.

In a preceding tragedy, 1LT Brian Bradshaw, Airborne Ranger, 1st Bn 501st Parachute Infantry Regt, was killed in action, Kheyl, Afghanistan, 25 June 2009.

Thank you from the heart for your prayers.

In Him, Gus

Let's do our best to offer up prayers for Dom and his family. Rosaries, novenas, simple requests of healing and grace in grief--whatever your tradition, our friends needs to be carried now.

I offer this prayer: For the protection of all police an first responders who risk their lives daily to ensure our safety; for fair and just policing that will promote peace and well-being in all our neighborhoods, let us pray to the Lord.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

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