Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Birthday, Andy!

Dear Hearts,

July 2nd is the birthday of Andrew William Bornhop: son of Rod Sr. and Mary Louise; brother of Barbara, Gretchen, Mary, Rodney and Rosie; husband of me (the luckiest girl in the world); father of John, Andrew and Thomas; nephew, cousin, in-law, uncle and friend to scores more lucky folks. He will soon add "Father in Law" to his titles, as our son John will marry Misty in January!

Andy continues his work as a top-rate professional writer and editor for Kelley Blue Book and is happy to return the office a few days a week. Working from home, however, affords him a view of our backyard where he can keep an eye on his vegetable garden and the varmints that sometimes plague his crops. Currently, he has tomatoes, corn, shishito and bell peppers, onions and sunflowers galore. 

His genuine and constant curiosity draws him in to conversations with folks from all walks of life. He is as interested to talk to a tree trimmer as the CEO of a major automotive company. As such, Andy is a wealth of information and a terrific trivia contestant. Music is a big part of his life too--live, recorded or anyway he can get it--and his taste in tunes is incredibly diverse.

Since the day I met him, he has inspired me with his faithfulness, work ethic and humility. I'm lucky to spend my life with him and am grateful that our three sons hold him as an example of a good Catholic man.

Happy Birthday, Andy-roo, and may you have 66 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

I love you, Patty

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