Saturday, July 11, 2020

God Bless Boompa

Dear Hearts,

July 12th is the 25th anniversary of the death of Irwin Vincent Wiley: son of Alfred (Snaz) and Wanda Wilkosczewski; brother of Norbert, Alfred, Carl, Eugene, Steward and Blanche; husband of Frances Sheehan Wiley (Boom Boom); father of Mary Claire, Helen and (not biologically but in heart) Pat Leonard; grandfather of 14; cousin, uncle, nephew and friend to scores more. We called him Boompa.

He was born June 25, 1904, in Chicago, and died on this day in 1994 in California. He was a pure-blooded Polish-American who graduated from Tilden Tech at age 14, then from Crane Tech at 16 and became a professional engineer in his teens, a title he held for almost 50 years.

As a Civil Engineer, Boompa worked his entire career with the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, also known as the Milwaukee Road. He started in 1922 as a rodman and worked up to assistant engineer at his retirement in 1969. Known as the Chief of Ways, Boompa worked from Chicago to Montana with surveyor's tools like slide rules, and wrote with beautiful penmanship in small notebooks. Check out pages 6 and 17 in this copy of the Milwaukee Road Magazine.

When he was 14, he came downstairs in the morning, his mother gave him his lunch pail and kissed him goodbye. He went off to school, and never saw her again. It was 1918, and the Spanish flu epidemic was sweeping Chicago, and everywhere else. She died that morning and was carted away to the city morgue and buried before any of the kids could see her again.

We all have stories of Boompa--humorous, confusing, inspiring. He loved being a character, sometimes ornery, usually funny. I was always amazed that he could fall asleep (snoring pretty loudly) with his arms up holding the newspaper. His Catholic faith and practice was was constant, having served as a long-time member of the Knights of Columbus, Holy Name Society and St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. John the Baptist Church, and his work ethic strong--even in retirement.

Just before he died, and he wouldn't let go, Margy sat next to his bed, holding his hand, and said, 'It's ok to go, Boompa. You took great care of, and with, all of us, and we are all ok. You have done your job." Very shortly, then, he became peaceful, then sat up, lifted his arms and said, "Mama. Mama." Then he lay back down and peacefully slipped away.

We are all sure that the Wileys/Wilkosczewskis are back together again in heaven, thanks be to God. Thanks for watching over us, Boompa.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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