Monday, July 20, 2020

Happy Birthday, Jennifer!

Dear Hearts,

July 21st is the birthday of Jennifer Whaley: beloved of Jeff Everett and dear friend of Seamus the Older and his family. Jim describes her as the "frosting on the cake--not only beautiful, but funny and smart and loyal." Jennifer and Jeff are very special to Jim. Indeed, they call him Pops and he calls them Kids.

Jennifer is the owner of Fetch Portraits, a successful pet photography business in Chicago, fulfilling a dream she has held since she was a little girl. She also created Pose A Pet, an app that helps folks capture great photos of their pets.

But's her love of photographing animals is not just a paycheck--Jennifer continues to do wonderful things on behalf of animals in order to see they land in loving homes. She has helped raise over $50,000 for Animal Rescue! See her website here.

Happy Birthday, Jennifer, and may you have 77 more healthy ones by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and keep us and save us from harm.

Love, Patty

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