Thursday, July 9, 2020

Happy Birthday, Alan!

Dear Hearts,

July 10th is the birthday of Alan Paul Stachura: son of Edward and Phyllis, partner of Jim Royall; uncle, cousin and friend to many, many more. Back in the day, we all called him Stach, and today we call him Alan.

Alan became an honorary member of our family back in the 1960s when he became my Godfather. He was a young man back then and clearly grabbed my mom and dad's hearts with his goodness. As long as we were in touch, Alan faithfully celebrated my birthday, one year delivering a giant hand-made card of poster board and colorful art. That memory is strong in my mind--the sheer joy of receiving such a fun and exciting gift!

As the years passed, everyone began to move around the nation and fell out of touch. Alan earned his degree from Marquette U. and went on to serve in the Peace Corps. Recently, Jim and I reconnected with Alan. Imagine this: when we communicated for the first time in four decades or so, Alan had just moved to Washington State--from the San Diego area! He and I were just an hour or so apart for many years and didn't know it!

Thankfully, technology has helped fill the void. Today, Alan and Jim live in beautiful Oak Harbor, Washington and are fully enjoying retirement after careers in real estate finance.

Happy Birthday, Alan, and may you have 53 more healthy ones, by Joannie Sullivan's Law of Longevity Anticipation of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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