Sunday, July 19, 2020

Happy Birthday, Georgia!

Dear Hearts,

July 19th is the birthday of Georgia Ann Sullivan: daughter of Matt and Lisa, sister of Matty and Henry; niece, cousin and friend to many more. Since the day she was born, Georgia has been a gentle force of kindness in our lives.

Just a few weeks ago, Georgia completed her undergraduate work and now holds a bachelor of arts degree in anthropology. She graduated after four years at the University of California, Santa Cruz, working part-time jobs all the while and living on her own. Indeed, Georgia is a successful independent young women with a beautiful and compassionate outlook on life.

One of her Anthropology courses at UCSC--part philosophy and part writing--was based primarily on one lesson: Interviewing someone in the community more than 70 years old to talk about life and connect with them through personal conversation. The goal was to bridge a generational divide.

“It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life,” Georgia said after interviewing a Vietnam veteran she met while working at an ice cream shop downtown. Georgia accumulated eight hours of interviews and her subject remarked at how she liked that Georgia wasn't afraid to ask anything. Yep, that's Georgia--respectful, curious, compassionate and kind. 

On the other end of the age spectrum Georgia is just as content--she'll scoop up and play and snuggle with a baby or child of any age, finding ways to relate and enjoy time together. We all look forward to see how Georgia's future's unfolds!

Happy Birthday, Georgia, and may you have 103 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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