Tuesday, March 9, 2021

God Bless Edward

Dear Hearts,

Edward Wlodzimierz Wilkoszewski, called "Grandpa Eddie," my great-great-grandfather, was born in Paskrzynnie, Poland on March 10th, 1824, and died in Leadville, Colorado on March 26th, 1883. Today is the 196th anniversary of his birth. He was a political organizer in Poland, leading a provincial unit of the democratic forces- an anti-royalist, a resistor of Russian occupation and influence.

Edward commanded a cavalry squadron under Garibaldi in the Battle of Rome. He came to America and learned the trade of picture-frame making, eventually opening and running his own factory near the Chicago River. It burned to the ground in the Great Fire of 1871, taking all his life's work with it. He never recovered fully, suffering from lung damage, and died young of obstructive pulmonary disease. Hence, Leadville.

He married Romualda Gorczynska, daughter of Major Anthony Gorczynski, one of Napoleon's cavalry officers, and Kate Nowierska. Eddie and Romualda had many children, reported to be 22 in number, one of whom was Alfred Wlodzimierz Wilkoszewski, also known as Snaz, who married Wanda Zinn of Gdansk, and they had Boompa.

Please keep watching over us, Edward. We pray you are in heavenly bliss with your family and Jesus, enjoying everlasting life.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Jim & Patty

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