Saturday, March 13, 2021

Happy Birthday, Annie!

Dear Hearts,

March 14th is the birthday of Annie Louise Sullivan: daughter of Seamus the Younger and Erin; sister of John, Kathleen, Thomas, Peter, Margaret, Joseph, Brigid, Seamus Benedict and Patrick; niece, cousin, auntie and friend to a whole bunch more.

Annie recently graduated from Christendom College in Virginia, with a BA in Philosophy. As with many, Covid-19 threw a few curve balls at  Annie, but she calmly faced each challenge and has started her adult independent life with gratitude and courage. Today she is so happy to work at her alma mater as a Donor Stewardship Coordinator.

Annie has become an auntie with the birth of sweet Ivar and is completely smitten with him, her second Godson. While she's thriving in her new life in Virginia, Annie's heart is always at home with her family in Omaha, playing, laughing and snuggling with her siblings and parents.

Happy birthday, Annie, and may you have 102 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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