Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Happy Birthday, Charlie!

Dear Hearts,

March 24th is the birthday of Charlie Armin Sullivan: son of Elizabeth and John; brother of Mickey; grandson of Mike and Joan; nephew, cousin and friend to a bunch others. If you're keeping track, Charlie joins Mr. Nau, Aunt Patty and Levi in today's celebrations!

Charlie is growing into a smart, funny and kind guy. He continues to keep his brother Mickey close in their adventures and finds him to be an excellent Super Mario Brothers buddy (he two wear identical Mario mustaches when in character.) And to keep everyone on edge, Charlie favors Bowser, who is the main antagonist in the video game franchise!

When the family fell in love with and brought home a new four-legged friend, they chose the name Teddy, after Charlie's favorite president who graced our nation with the establishment of the National Park system. He is a great student and a lover of music. While he certainly enjoys the classics, like pizza and ice cream, Charlie recently discovered that he loves artichokes.

So, happy birthday, Charlie, and may you have 118 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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