Sunday, March 28, 2021

Happy Birthday, Georgia!

Dear Hearts,

March 29th is the birthday of Georgia Lucille Sullivan: daughter of Mick and Mary; sister of Oscar and Beatrice; granddaughter of Jim, Bitsy, Nancy, George and Ellie; auntie, niece, cousin and friend to a bunch of other lucky folks. According to her daddy, Georgia is one of the most lovable, kind, intelligent people he knows.

She still has that beautiful long hair that looks gorgeous when styled in long braids. It's functional, too, as she is an terrific soccer player and excellent artist and don't want your hair to be pulled by your opponent, or let it dip into your paint pallet!

Helping care for three dogs, two cats, four birds, a dragon (?) and about 50 fish (this is Mick's account), it is clear Georgia is an animal lover and she that loves being in nature. Her hard work and dedication extends to the classroom as well, where her teachers consistently tell her parents that Georgia is an absolute joy and one of the hardest working students they've taught.

So, happy birthday, Georgia, and may you have 115 more healthy ones, by the Aunt Joannie Sullivan Law of Longevity Aspiration of 2008.

God bless us and save us and keep us from harm.

Love, Patty

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